Are you one of those that think that by just signing up to a platform online whether tech, LMS, email platform etc, your business will blossom just because you are on that platform? 

KAJABI is not left out of the equation of the magical platforms. I can bet you that there is someone on the internet right now that thinks that just signing up with Kajabi will be the golden touch their business needs and I am here to tell you that it’s a NO’ unless you have all I am about to write figured out before signing up. Yes, I know they promised you that you can build your business on there without hiring support but how has that worked out for you? Yes, this is different for people. I know people that set up their platform without issues but majority of people are yet to figure out the first step to take on the Platform. Being a Kajabi Expert and having helped creators set up their platforms, tech, automations and funnels ready to launch on Kajabi, I have seen a pattern that I will like to address in this post.

The pattern is that lots of creators get confused when they come on Kajabi simply because Kajabi has a learning curve. They stay for a while and leave for reasons best known to them. Some have said they can’t figure it out yet while some talk about keeping up with the monthly subscriptions as it seems expensive for the stage of their business.

On a side note, if Kajabi is expensive for you, I have a great alternative that is affordable and has functionalities that support digital creators. Check it out HERE, It’s called 

The truth is that learning how to setup your business on Kajabi requires an investment of time, headspace and patience to get through with.  If you are not a design or tech person, trying to learn a new platform can easily become a bottleneck for you in your own business. I know you might want to bootstrap but don’t let bootstrapping get you stuck. Invest in your business instead. At least get the basics up and running so that you can start making good progress in the right direction. If you need a launch strategist, design, and tech expert, you can contact me HERE

Kajabi already has social proof but is not perfect as it’s features don’t fit all businesses at different stage of their businesses. This is why you see the users combine the platform with other platforms to suit the features they truly desire. Building your business on a platform with social proof is a big step in the right direction that answers the question of ”Is it worth it?” for you. If the question of ”is it worth it?” is already answered by social proof, then the next question should be – ”How do I make Kajabi worth it for me?” 

Different tiers of Kajabi features:

To understand launching your digital programs or service on Kajabi, you need to understand the tiers of it’s features as this will help inform your direction on the activities to focus on first to move the needle in your business. I call these:

  1. Funnels
  2. Fulfillment

A. Funnels:

This is the process you will take your prospect through before they can buy from you. It usually requires activities that make use of Kajabi features like emails, landing and sales pages, website, checkout pages, tech and automations.

B. Fulfillment:

This is where you use Kajabi features like the podcast, coaching, online course and membership products to achieve what you have promised your clients.

I always tell my clients that there is a process to being successful on Kajabi. It all starts with laying the right foundations. So, what are the right foundations you might ask? I will come to it later but first, let’s talk about the types of businesses that use kajabi.

Types of businesses that use Kajabi:

Now, this is a bit tricky because a simple answer will be ‘any business that create digital program or done for you service’. Some business have combined the platform with Shopify to also sell physical products like books and journals. I will say If you know that you have a digital or done for you service offer, you can build your business using Kajabi. 

The steps to your success on kajabi:

Businesses sign up to Kajabi at different stages and for different reasons. If you find yourself trying to setup Kajabi at a stage where you don’t know the first step to take, then follow the steps listed below.

  • Strategy 
  • Audience building
  • Offer selling
  • Offer fulfilment
  • Optimize


Map out your goals and how to achieve them with informed actions. What will your offer be? Who are you targeting? What’s your messaging? What’s the timeline you need to achieve all these? 

Audience Building:

This is where you create a landing page to capture and nurture them to know like and trust you. Your landing page should have a messaging that attracts the right prospects with a thank you page detailing the next steps. Your landing page could practically be anything from a free PDF, a free podcast, training etc you know anything that can appeal to your right type of audience. 

Offer Selling:

You know the saying that says ” don’t build an audience of freebiers else your business becomes a hobby”. Yes, as you’re building your audience, have it in mind to start selling. What’s your offer and does the sales page you have convey the message to your audience enough for them to buy? Starting early to sell helps you establish social proof fast as well because you have to keep in contact with your buyers, get feedback, tweak and validate your offer.

Offer fulfilment: 

This is where you deliver to your client what they have bought. Here, you can start building out the product side of your Kajabi. You know the online course/membership, coaching, podcast, community. You start figuring out the type of design that resonates with your brand and clients and refine till you get what you truly desire.


This is where your funnels and website comes in. Are they converting at the rate you desire? If not, you need to make some changes to help them convert. It’s time to map out your funnel starting with the integration of the audience building stage on to your website down to your sales funnels of the programs you have ongoing. If you also feel that data and statistics that the landing page you are using for your audience building isn’t really converting, it’s time to optimize.

Rinse and repeat:

On Kajabi, you have different options of online launches that you can do. Here, you can use the already existing process to launch another offer/program.

Now, you know the steps to take to succeed on Kajabi, do you have any questions? Ask in the comments.

I invite you to work with me in setting up your Kajabi platform whether as a beginner or at any stage in your business ready to Launch. As a Kajabi vetted expert, I can help you setup your platform in ways like design of your sales funnels, website, content migration and so much more so that you can launch with ease and authenticity.

Click this link to get in touch. Get Kajabi Support




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